Robert Perišić

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Robert Perišic is a prominent Croatian writer and journalist born in Split, Croatia, in 1969. In 1988 he moved to Zagreb, where he studied Croatian literature and became a freelance writer, penning literary criticism, poetry, plays, and fiction. His most widely translated works are the novels Naš čovjek na terenu (Our Man in Iraq) and Područje bez signala (No-Signal Area), both of which have received international critical acclaim. His novel Naš čovjek na terenu (Our Man in Iraq) received the prestigious literary award 'Jutarnji list'. The German edition of the novel (‘Unser Mann vor Ort’) also received ‘Literaturpreis der Steiermärkischen Sparkasse 2011’ in Graz, Austria. The English edition of the novel is published in 2012. His 2002 collection Užas i veliki troškovi (Horror and Huge Expenses) was also published by Sandorf Passage. 

Robert Perišić (Split, 1969.) autor je knjiga proze, eseja i poezije, prevođen u brojnim europskim državama i SAD-u, nagrađivan u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Diplomirao je hrvatski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Njegovi romani Naš čovjek na terenu i Područje bez signala doživjeli su svjetski odjek i prijevode na mnoge jezike. Živi u Zagrebu kao samostalni autor.

Books of author


No-Signal Area

Language: Engleski Author: Robert Perišić Publisher: Seven Stories Press

Oleg and Nikola - hustlers, entrepreneurs, ambassadors of capitalism--have come to the town of N to build an obsolete turbine, never mind why.