The Virtual Training Seminars for «Lit.Mentors» is a core output for RIC project and is dedicated to fulfill the need of an innovative and digital educational approach, which attempts to integrate in the reading communities’ context the cultural, social and education dimensions of literature for intercultural dialogue and social inclusion.


CulturePolis_- Literature, Reading Clubs and Intercultural Dialogue - The inclusive character of literature and how to enter the world of reading

HFC - The prosperity of Philanagnosia through book fairs in the
post covid-19 era

IED - Reading Clubs and lifelong

ITStudy - Digital tools for adult training/education

DSP - Social interaction through common subjects in literature: fighting the physical limitations and using the technological tools to achieve boundless
travels to the imaginary (coping with COVID-19 pandemic)

Sandorf - Developing Intercultural Intelligence in a reading community - Understanding literature as an upgrade
of the common knowledge

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