Read-In-Club Digital
a unique online meeting place of cultures, literature and reading fans!
Join the clubs!
As the main result of Read-In-Club project, the site allows you to
- establish
- join
- organize
- operate
book clubs regardless of geographic distance, or
- upload
- offer
- search
your favourite books. You’ll get along easily with using it by studying the User Guide.
Course for Lit. Mentors
You can attend the online COURSE for FREE that qualifies you through enhancing your training skills and digital competences and rendering you a “Lit.Mentor” of intercultural dialogue. The course is available in English, Croatian, Greek, Hungarian and Slovenian and prepares you to
- develop a cross-sectoral approach for cooperation established in the EU values which are generated and conveyed by the art of literature.
- address the challenge of ingraining the educational aspect of reading clubs for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue in the “digital, post- COVID agenda” of the book industry stakeholders
- develop and deliver a digital reading club platform, innovative training materials and content methodologies for successfully meeting the needs of reading clubs’ coordinators and their communities and empower them at all levels.

About the Read-IN-Club project
The project READ-IN-CLUB—READ-INg for CuLtUres across Borders—includes 6 partners (CulturePolis, Hellenic Foundation for Culture, iTStudy, Slovene Writers’ Association, Sršen Ivan—Sandorf Publishing, and iED) from 5 different countries (Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Cyprus) and derives from the need to equip our society with those skills and competences which are essential to ensuring a swift and smooth recovery from the crisis.
What's new

On January 15th, A.B.IED organized an info day to present the READ-IN club project.

Info Day about the possibilities and the implementation of the Read-In-Club platform was presented online on January 24th 2023, through the Facebook platform of the Split City Library (Gradska knjižnica Marka Marulića) and also disseminated and co-hosted by Sand

The Slovene Writers' Association presented the READ-IN-CLUB project on 26 November 2022 within the programme of the Writers' Stage that took place at the 38th Slovenian Book Fair in Ljubljana.The fair that is organized by the Chamber of Book Publishers and Booksellers at the Chamber of Commerce a

14th December 2022 was the day when ReadInClub#Digital website was first introduced to the audience of reading club mentors and members face to face.

The 4th and final Transnational Project Meeting of READ-IN-CLUB was held in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, the place where the project partner Slovene Writers Association had their headquarters and who was in charge of organizing it.

The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting took place in Gödöllő, Hungary between 21-22 September, 2022, and was hosted by the Hungarian partner organization ITStudy.

The 2nd face to face partner meeting organized by Sandorf Publishing took place in Split, Croatia, between 31 March and 1 April 2022.

The 1st transnational project meeting of the partnership went on in Corfu Old Town, between 07/10/2021 - 08/10/2021, hosted by CulturePolis.
Here we publish each result achieved within the project,
freely available for those who are interested.

Result 1 - Research Report
The READ-IN-CLUB Research Report presents research on topics related to the value of literature for intercultural dialogue, equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as the potentials of reading clubs for the development of adults.

Result 2 - Seminars and Training Course
The Virtual Training Seminars for «Lit.Mentors» is a core output for RIC project and is dedicated to fulfill the need of an innovative and digital educational approach, which attempts to integrate in the reading communities’ context the cultural, social and education dimensions of literature for

Result 3 - ReadInClub#Digital
Result 3 is the design, development, testing and implementation of the unique multilingual website,
About the partners
A.B. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development Ltd. is the result of a 15 years old operation of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED)—an organization committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of entrepreneurial spirit.
iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd. has been working for more than twenty years in vocational and adult education, it is an accredited Hungarian Adult Educational Institute.
Sandorf Publishing was founded as Sandorf Publishing and Literary Agency in 2007. The company was started by Ivan Sršen, a graduated linguist and a historian with almost a decade of previous editorial experience behind him.
CulturePolis is a nonprofit Civil Society Organization founded in 2006 in the island of Corfu, Greece by former EU officers and other professionals having as main aim to contribute to research
The Slovene Writers’ Association (SWA) is a voluntary, independent and non-profit organization that serves the professional, social and cultural interests of Slovene writers.
The Hellenic Foundation for Culture was established in 1992 and is based in Athens, Greece. Its main objective is to promote Greek culture and language throughout the world.